Company News
Banks Sign with TrueEx for New Solution – Profit & Loss
Although non-standard swaps do not have to be traded on Swap Execution Facilities (SEFs) under Dodd-Frank, one SEF has launched a product seeking to bring those transactions into the exchange-type environment.
Mizuho Forges Ahead with London Derivatives Build – Financial News
Mizuho Financial Group’s plans to launch a derivatives business in London have come to fruition after the Japanese bank’s international arm cleared an important post-trade milestone.
Visual Edge Gets Risk Management Upgrade – Profit & Loss
Analytics tool Visual Edge has been enhanced to provide MT4 brokers with greater risk management capabilities, in addition to being used as a business analysis and client profiling tool.
DTCC’S Partners with SimCorp for Repos – Profit & Loss
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation Omgeo subsidiary, and SimCorp, announce that the first live repurchase agreement trade has been automatically processed in SimCorp Dimension and Omgeo Central Trade Manager between Kammarkollegiet and Nordea Bank. |