FXPA – A new force for advancing the interests of the FX Industry – By Adam Cooper, Chair, FXPA

The FX market stands at a critical juncture as technological innovation, new competitive forces, and an evolving market structure and regulatory framework redefine the FX landscape. While financial market regulatory reforms introduced in the wake of the financial crisis generally did not encompass the FX market, new requirements have and will be applied to certain FX activities.
More recently, investigations and settlements related to the alleged manipulation of benchmark FX rates have heightened public scrutiny of the FX marketplace. Against this collective backdrop, the Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA) was formed by a diverse group of FX market participants to provide a unique contribution to the public dialogue.
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FXPA Comments on FX Settlements

The Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA) supports fair, efficient and transparent markets in all aspects of price discovery, execution, and clearing. The smooth functioning of the global FX market is critical to the entire financial system. As an organization that was created to represent the breadth of the FX marketplace, including banks, buy-side firms, and end-users, we recognize the importance of ensuring the market’s integrity and credibility. The important thing to do now is for all participants to come together and work with regulators in the US and globally to ensure sound markets based on integrity.

Engagement with Regulators Critical, says FXPA

fxpa panelThe Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA) has warned that now is a critical time for the FX industry to enhance its engagement with regulators.

Representatives of the Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA), which announced its launch at Profit & Loss’ Forex Network Chicago event on September 25, stressed the importance of the industry being represented by one voice to regulatory bodies around the globe.
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FXPA Comments on CFTC’s Consideration of a Clearing Requirement for Non-Deliverable Forwards

“We are encouraged that regulators on both sides of the Atlantic are engaging with market participants on the important issue of NDF clearing on a similar timeframe and look forward to regular efforts at harmonization across the range of issues affecting the FX market,” says the Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA), a newly formed trade body comprised of a cross-section of FX industry participants.”

FXPA Comments on Final FSB Benchmark Recommendations

“The Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA), which represents a full array of participants in the foreign exchange markets, welcomes the Financial Stability Board’s final report on Foreign Exchange Benchmarks. The report outlines numerous areas that all participants in this industry should focus on and acknowledges there may be challenges and costs associated with the changes. However, bringing transparency and increasing confidence in the FX market is critical and many of these recommendations will be embraced by market participants.”

The full FSB report can be found at: http://www.financialstabilityboard.org/publications/r_140930.pdf