Market Savvy
Pound Higher after Bank of England Minutes
Financial Times (subscription)
Sterling’s ascent continued on Wednesday, after minutes from the Bank of England’s July rate-setting meeting encouraged a hawkish view on the outlook for UK monetary policy.
A $4 Trillion Force from China That Helped the Euro Now Hurts It
For almost a decade, China’s effort to diversify the world’s biggest foreign exchange reserves supported the euro. Now, the almost $4 trillion force may be working against the single currency.
Dollar Steadies After One-Day Slide Worries Bulls
The dollar lost more ground on Wednesday after profit-taking drove its biggest decline in a month in the previous session, casting more doubt on whether it can rally further after a year of gains.
Midnight Witness Tracks Gold Crash
Financial Times
In the small hours of Sunday morning, when most traders in London were asleep, one gold broker who was suffering a restless night said he happened to check the price of the precious metal on his iPhone.
Grexit Debate Down But Not Out, Argentina Lessons Remain
Greece just narrowly avoided crashing out of the euro but for skeptics the clock is already ticking on when large-scale default and exit from the “irreversible” euro club are raised once again. |